(07) 3219 5133

Conditions We Treat

Recurrent Middle Ear Infections Recurrent otitis media or recurrent middle ear infections can result in short term problems such as pain, fever, acute rupture of the ear drum, ear discharge and hearing loss. Long term problems include structural damage to the ear drum, hearing loss, chronic perforations


Sinusitis can be a cause of headaches and nasal blockage. Patients may present with a nasal discharge, a stuffy nose, pain in the face and or upper teeth, fever and postnasal drip.

Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Sleep is essential physiological state that re-energises the body. Obstructive sleep apnoea can lead to significant physiological problems in children and adults, such as stunting of growth and high blood pressure.
Otitis Externa Otitis externa otherwise known as "Swimmer's ear to Tropical ear" is an infection of the outer ear canal. It can sometimes become chronic lasting years if not adequately diagnosed and treated. Commonly fungus is the cause, particularly in humid climates such as Brisbane.
Allergic Rhinitis or Nasal Allergy Allergy may be seasonal resulting in symptoms related to certain times of the year, most notably Spring and Summer. The allergens responsible for seasonal allergy are pollens and grasses. Allergy may also be all year round or perennial.
Recurrent TonsillitisRecurrent tonsillitis is especially common in childhood but can affect adults as well. It can be the cause of recurrent sore throat and illness which can lead to a disruption of quality of life.

Other Services

Vertigo orBalance Problems
Vertigo or balance problems have a huge impact on a person's quality of life and independence. The diagnosis is often not straight forward at the best of times, however, certain causes of imbalance are readily treatable and a full assessment by an ENT specialist is paramount
Hearing loss is a common complaint in adults and children. It impairs quality of life due to social isolation and may lead to speech and language problems in children.
Voice problems can be easily diagnosed by visualising the throat and particularly the vocal cords with a fine fibre optic endoscope passed through the nose. The most common cause in children are vocal nodules which result from screaming. Adults with a strong smoking history may have a more serious problem which should be investigated as soon as possible.